42 – Understanding Lex Luthor

coverblackLex wasn’t just manic and unhinged, but a calculating criminal mastermind.  Understanding and walking through Lex’s motives and machinations.

But first, two critical approaches: fault-finding vs. seeking. Superman’s status quo in-story and Superman cinematic strategy.  Then was BvS joyless?  A quick joke list.

Answers, insights, and commentary on:

  • Michelangelo’s Pietà – critical approach
  • Tuna fish, sashimi, tuna melt, nigiri, California roll – expectations and taste
  • Superman is honored and loved before BvS – status quo
  • How does BvS position Superman for JL?
  • What Lex knew and when
  • How Lex knows their secret identities
  • How metahumans change Lex’s plan
  • Why Lex doesn’t just kill Superman
  • What was Lex trying to accomplish in Africa
  • Why Lex isn’t worried about being traced
  • Why the evidence was suppressed
  • Superman didn’t kill the General rescuing Lois
  • Why ask for an import license if smuggling it
  • How Senator Finch pushes Lex’s buttons
  • How Bruce is “blind as a bat” in the light
  • Lex intended for Bruce to steal the files
  • Why Lex has a meltdown during his speech
  • How Lex fools Finch, Bruce, Mercy, Keefe, & Clark
  • Why Batman and Superman weren’t in Lex’s files
  • Why Bruce doesn’t suspect conspiracy with Keefe
  • Why it takes Lois to trace Keefe to Lex
  • Why Lex bombing the Senate hearing is brilliant
  • Why Lex didn’t enter the Ship after the fingerprints
  • Why Lex did enter the Scout Ship after the bombing
  • How Lex transcends into a supervillain
  • Why they didn’t let Superman speak
  • How the Scout Ship changes Lex’s priorities and plan
  • Why Batman is Lex’s Dark Knight
  • Why Lex unleashes Doomsday
  • What was the plan before Doomsday?

…and more.

Michelangelo’s Pietà – An Analysis | Spencer’s Painting of The Week
The Problem of Evil | Wikipedia
Existential Crisis | Wikipedia
Pontius Pilate | Wikipedia
Prometheus | Wikipedia
Let Them Eat Cake | Wikipedia
My Ears Are Cold | The Sonic Wombat

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  1. I just came to comment on something I thought of just now. So please forgive me for not comment on the topic as I haven’t listened to this yet.

    *Welcome back!*

    I found it interesting that it seems like DC and Marvel are taking the exact opposite direction.

    Marvel began light and their latest movies are turning dark (well, tackling more difficult themes). Meanwhile, DC is starting dark but now everything is point to the light again – The light actually began in BvS (truly, the Dawn of Justice) with both Superman finally coming to grips with the world (and the world him) and Batman finally finding that light, the reason why he does what he does! Then there is also Wonder Woman, who brought the fun with her from the get go (especially during the Doomsday Fight! She was just pure JL material. Indeed, she is the oldest hero of them all).

    I just thought I might share this

  2. Hi Dr,

    This is a repost in case you miss it.

    Check out this article: http://pulpklatura.tumblr.com/post/141843209469/batman-v-superman-the-modern-revenge-tragedy

    This is a insightful article of explaning BvS being inspired by classical shakespeare tragedy story like Hamlet. Also that if you noticed BvS is utilizing the non-linear narrative storytelling which is following the tropes and the formula of shakespeare and Greek tragic story. If you ask me that is really unique and new among the current straightforward narrative storytelling which is now a very common in today blockbuster movie. You can say BvS is actually attempt to eschew the current movie formula of storytelling. Also BvS have a lot of references and allusions to Excalibur and King Arthur so that make BvS more like a myth story rather than a superhero story.

    • Hey Leon, thank you so much for sharing that link! That tumblr owner posts and shares so much great stuff! I’ve since nudged @pulpklatura (via her AO3 fanfic comment section) towards the existance of Dr. Awkward’s site and podcast, and she LOVED IT. So how does it feel like to be part of a catalyst between DCEU fandom heavy-hitters? 🙂

      • Haha Thanks.

        I only want to be part of the DC community where we have all the meaningful conversations about what we love about DC. I just hoping we can involve in more community like this where we can have a meaningful conversation and analysis about DC without tome trolls or haters around constantly ruining the fun and our love about DC

    • Thanks for sharing that link, Leon! Gosh that lady shares and writes great stuff on her tumblr! I told her via a review on her AO3 fics that this place exists, she never heard of it prior, and came back to me saying that she LOVED IT. 🙂

  3. Hi all,
    Interesting thing to look forward to in ultimate cut:

    In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, one of the pivotal moments of the movie involves Lex Luthor kidnapping Superman’s mom, Martha. In a recent interview with IGN, Zack Snyder was asked why Superman couldn’t hear his mom cry out for help when she was in trouble.

    “I think all the way – to me, from Metropolis to Smallville is probably just on the edge of his range of hearing” Snyder explained. “Also the clutter of the city makes it difficult as well.”

    Snyder then went into more detail about a deleted scene that explained why Superman doesn’t always look for problems around the city:

    “We had a scene that we cut from the movie where he tries to look for her when he finds out that Lex has got her,” Snyder continued. “It was a slightly dark scene that we cut out because it sort of represented this dark side. Because when he was looking for his mom he heard all the cries of all the potential crimes going on in the city, you know when you look.

    “I kind of like the idea that he’s taught himself not to look because if he looks it’s just neverending, right? You have to know when, as Superman, when to intervene and when not to. Or not when not to, you can’t be everywhere at once, literally you can’t be everywhere at once, so he has to be really selective in a weird way about where he chooses to interfere.”

  4. Truly brilliant. I thought I had an open mind before this podcast, but you really have opened my eyes to the grand nuance of BvS’s characterization and plotting.

    Never before have I appreciated Lex Luthor so much as a villain.

    Nobody else seems to want to give this movie the benefit of the doubt. I just want to thank you so much for being the one to analyze it, and with such depth.

    I hope more people learn to view movies in this way.

  5. Thanks for doing this, it means a lot. looking forward to hear more from you on this movie.

  6. Awesome episode and I love the ending but I think you might’ve missed one joke, “In your dreams Alfred”

  7. New Suicide Squad trailer.

  8. That was great! I love reading/listening to people who get the film, people take offence they you say they don’t get something, including me, but I’m afraid it is true for a lot of people.

    I think this movie is better than MoS and an absolute masterpiece of filmmaking, very misunderstood. I never thought I’d use that word for one of my beloved comic book movies but here I am.
    The one problem which is the only that I found to have no clear or hidden explanation is..

    What was the point of inviting Diana Prince to the party?

    I guess he wanted to keep an eye on her? or maybe she’s just the type of person who gets invited to these things and Lex had no idea she was onto him, why would he when no one else does? I will go with this because it seems the most logical for now.
    If we start talking about Lex premeditating her involvement in the fight which will lead to Supermans death we go into nonsensical territory. We must assume Diana and Bruce being friends is the absolutely last thing Lex wants, she could spoil or certainly put a wrench in the work of Lex’s plans to have Batman kill Superman and the other superhumans should they arise. So just like Holly and Lois, Diana is the only other hitch in his plans, even if she’s almost totally unaware of it.
    She steals the flash drive, which was never intended by anyone, allowing her to meet Bruce, later save his life and further help him realise not all superhumans are bad, though at that point Bruce has failed Lex’s mission and he no longer cares.

    That deals with that, now the more pressing matter of what exactly Diana was planning to do at the party.

    So what was Diana going to do in the server room?
    I assume she was going to take the data on her own device? or maybe use her powers on the sly to rip apart and shut down his entire network?
    Somehow, she knew he had her photo. I have no idea how you would track a digital photo but she’s managed to do it for the best part of 100 years, maybe she has better tech than she’s letting on. Maybe Lex copied it from her own laptop.
    I suppose the logical answer is she had her own device and she just took Bruce’s to be opportunistic.
    Well, I guess that sums up that for myself.

    A few other things you mention which really strike home
    -By unleashing Doomsday Lex has already proven that power is not innocent, he’s created his own actual devil, birthed from his own blood, the blood of a mortal man. Showing to him that men are all devils when it comes down to it. The devil will win and anarchy will rule! it doesn’t matter what happens next because Lex was RIGHT and he won by showing the true color of mankind.
    I used to go with the idea Lex thought he could control Doomsday which is equally valid one, even the producers suggested this in an interview. However, I feel it’s more industry standard and boring, far less interesting than your take which really brings home his descend into madness.
    -Senate hearing
    So true. It nearly made me cry when you said that, now I realize how good this scene was. It’s the ultimate Lex moment. A mortal breaking a gods spirit. It’s even better than making him kneel before him, the senate bombing is quintessential Lex.
    Also, we as an audience know what Superman stands for, what he’s trying to do, what he wants to say even. To have it reiterated is unnecessary.
    -Finch mother links
    Very clever and very true, can’t wait to rewatch there interactions with this in mind.
    -The international incident stuff
    That was the conclusion I came up after some time too.
    The framing of Superman saving Lois from the terrorist is the most annoying thing in the film.
    Superman killing him makes no sense, at all, for anyone, or any plot. Why would Superman have a problem with Batman if he’s out killing terrorist?
    I wish they had just framed it better, it’s such a simple fix and I can see the confusion it brings. I naturally assume he’s alive just because of my years knowing Superman but the GA will assume he’s just murdered someone violently. Frustrating.

    The film has it’s own paths you can go down but the main character motivations are pretty evident and I do wonder why it’s been so lost on so many people.

    -Lex wants to kill Superman because he is all powerful and he threatens Lex’s enter self worth, so he uses Batman as a tool to kill him.
    -Batman is bitter, old, lost hope in humanity and sees Superman as a potential threat.
    -Superman sees news reports of the Batman branding people and getting them killed, further research reveals the police are helping him and many even fear him, so he goes out to give him a warning.

    The notion this film has no humour or is joyless is simply objectively wrong. It’s the worst possible argument against it. There are many moments intended to be light and funny.

  9. Great episode. I was thinking the same way on a lot of what you had to say about Lex, but I was wondering if the daddy issues were real or if they were the kinds of thing that some people with mental illness (I think Lex is clearly a psychopath) convince themselves of, like, they have it in their mind that they were severely abused when really it didn’t happen that way. In other words, I’m not yet sure if we can believe Lex’s interpretations of his own experiences from childhood… but I haven’t been able to see it 7 times yet. Just 3. 🙂

    On another note, I’ll be very curious to see what the Doc thought did not add up in the movie, because he seemed to like Superman’s arc, Batman’s arc, and Lex as a villain. Those are the big pieces.

    • Looking forwards to listening to your podcast, Sam.

      I think it’s tricky if you start assigning unreliability to the characters (part of the reason some groan at “too many” dream sequences) because what do you have left to build off of? I’d tend to give Lex some weight on the helicopter pad because he’s letting it all hang out, he doesn’t need to reveal his manipulation of Batman or talk about his childhood… but I think the moment is cathartic for him. He’s already started Doomsday, so in his mind, Superman is already dead- one way or another- so there’s no reason not to express exactly how he feels, where he’s coming from, right to the alien’s face.

      Of course, cheating a little, the Detroit Free Press had an interview with Eisenberg who at least played it as if the abuse was real, “He’s like a child who hasn’t yet been told how the world works and has a juvenile sense of propriety. If you take their toy away, the initial reaction is not anger, it’s probably confusion. He’s a person who is struggling with real existential crises about his abusive childhood about his, let’s say, perverse Freudian associations with Superman and his need for power in an unstable world.”

      I’m not going to give voice to my reservations for now… not until I’ve had a little more time to think about them and see if I can reconcile them for myself. The other tricky aspect of it is the ultimate cut….

      • I see where you’re coming from and you’re probably on stabler ground. I was just thinking that (A) Lex actually was abused by his father, and (B) Lex truly and sincerely believes that he was abused by his father were both possible, and both would fit with his “letting it all hang out” and Jesse’s understanding of the character as abused, because Lex isn’t trying to mislead people about his abuse… that is how he really interprets and remembers his childhood.

        I know that it will be impossible to prove or disprove A or B based on the movie, so it’s a moot point. But the character is so complex and real that I’m thinking about it like I would a real person who exhibited the same behaviors — I would want to actually corroborate with a more objective witness to the childhood. Maybe Lex’s mental illness caused his image of his father as abusive but publicly admired, rather than his abusive father causing his mental illness.

  10. Hi MOSAIC when you make another one of these could you please explain the actual importance about the actual fight between Batman and Superman.

  11. I’m glad at your return Doctor, a part of me did wished that the film would’ve been more acclaimed as well, but another part knew that such thing would be impossible, regardless of how well made the film was, many people would always allow their prejudices and preconceived notions control their judgement.

    Now I have one question if you’re okay with that, is once again about the Superman brand, and this time I ask you this with a more serious tone to my concerns: Do you think there’s a possibility that WB may think that “Superman” is a deterrent to their installments of the ‘Justice League Universe’?

    All Superman films of this century so far have had a…dent to themselves that could lead to some people to label them as “disappointments/failures”: “Superman Returns” (loved by critics but loathed by most of the general audiences and fan bases), “Man of Steel” (pretty much the opposite of the previous), and now “Batman v Superman” (arguably one of the most anticipated films of modern times, and mostly a success, but it was unable to reach the [supposedly mandatory] billion dollars in ticket sales revenue). That plus considering that Batman alone could reach that billion mark twice in the past without any other DC character helping him, it could give the slight impression that Superman is a hindrance.

    Not only that, but if the upcoming “Suicide Squad” does become a success in more ways than BvS did, that could cement that notion even more, considering how small Superman’s presence is in that film in contrast to the Batman mythos prominence. Now don’t get me wrong, I do want SS to be a success and also wish for it to be better received than its 2 predecessors, but if the only film so far that doesn’t features Superman directly is considered a way better film that the ones that had Superman front and center, some, probably influencing, people could reach to some negative conclusions (if you know what I mean).

    • Thats’s the challenge when you are doing superman. this is because superman is way too iconic and most well know superhero. As a result, whatever his portrayal is, it will always be controversial and divisive. Being iconic while can be beneficial to drawn in more audiences based on his name alone. It also proven to be a double edge sword. I noticed that for so long superman fanbase have been so divided. You got one who still prefer the classic superman and another one who prefer the current modern superman. There are complaint of superman is boring and uninteresting. Then when this current superman now are much more realistic and much more compelling character, people complaint that has betrayed the essence of superman or whatever it is. There is no pleasing everybody in the end.

      But I believe that given time more people will start to appreciate and more acceptable of this modern version of superman introduced by snyder until at least his run on JL. After all this is still considered to be a superman trilogy with other character including batman being impacted by the presence of superman if you see in BvS. MoS is birth. BvS is death, and finally JL is resurrection. As you can see, superman have gone through this 3 cycles of life. the whole DCEU is basically centered on superman presence. Even the suicide squad trailer alludes to superman as a reason why the team is established. So I believe in time DCEU will do justice to superman in a same way that dark knight trilogy have did justice to batman.

      • “Then when this current superman now are much more realistic and much more compelling character, people complaint that has betrayed the essence of superman or whatever it is.”

        And what a weird reason to complain. I recall some time ago a person making a whole essay explaining why Superman being an interesting and reliable character is a bad thing. Apparently, Superman is supposed to be someone you should aspire to, not relate to, and thus a relatable Superman is supposedly is a bad representation.

        First off all, isn’t Superman largely criticized for being non-relatable? I assume that the very same people that complained about Superman being non-relatable Pre-MoS are the very same that are complaining that Snyder made him to relatable. Second, why someone you can relate to can’t also be someone you can aspire to? That was one of the messages of this film as far as I can tell: Batman saw Superman as nothing more than an alien, someone who knew nothing about humanity, thus it was impossible for him to look up to Superman. It wasn’t after he realized that Superman was indeed a man, that had a mother he loved and wanted to save, when he saw himself reflected in Superman (thus, when he could finally relate to him) is when he was inspired by him. You can’t aspire to someone without relating to this someone to some extent, can’t you?

        I’ve stated this before and I repeat it once again, anyone who dislikes this take of Superman is most likely someone who actively “wants” to dislike it. Like the ‘Fox and the Grapes’ fable, there’s nothing wrong with the modern Superman, nor Snyder, there’s something wrong with those who see the good they do yet choose to hate them for that.

        “But I believe that given time more people will start to appreciate and more acceptable of this modern version of superman introduced by snyder”

        I believe so too. Even though BvS wasn’t better received than MoS, and things will be hard for JL, I adhere to the hope that at least the next generation will be more open-minded.

    • I still hold this take up as essentially Superman’s “The Dark Knight Returns” in providing something else on the spectrum, Superman’s overall mythos and branding is expanded.

      Yes, there’s uncertainty, growing pains, and detractors now. However, when it’s all said and done the idea and brand of Superman will have grown. When Frank Miller released TDKR, he was told he had destroyed the character forever and to this day some profess ambivalence towards its impact. Yet in the long run it was healthy and good for the character and icon and made it possible for Batman to be what he is today, when in ’62 Batman was facing cancellation. Batman was invigorated by Batman ’66, which was an insane and different take and TDKR which was the same.

      Superman is undergoing a similar maturation. It’s not going to be for everyone (just like ’66 and TDKR) but it’s drawing in people who were never going to be fans of earlier Superman or their idea of earlier Superman… and the mythos will ultimately end up, properly, in the middle with something more inclusive of both kinds of fans… just as TDKR was a landmark, but the vast majority of Batman stories following never were as dark, as cynical, etc. Whatever you think about BvS, it has continued to thrust Superman into the public consciousness. Sure, some will dig in their heels and say they’ll never accept anything but the past, but the vast majority of people aren’t so stubborn about something that only incidentally affects or interacts with their lives. In the short term it galvanizes a few haters, but in the long term it’s healthy for Superman to be a more diverse and flexible character.

      You have people who haven’t read a Superman comic in 20 years, who never pay for content, who never think or discuss these things, suddenly pontificating and writing novella length essays on who and what Superman is supposed to be. That kind of meditation is driven by a challenging take and miles more meaningful and useful than collective agreement about a caricature of a character. It’s part of the reason Superman Returns did almost nothing to impact or stimulate Superman sales afterwards, because it mostly affirmed the preexisting notion with a few added flaws. Challenging and confronting the status quo reinvigorates the icon rather than letting it pass into the past as a mere mascot.

      That said, this is the last time I’m going to answer this kind of question because it’s outside of my scope and interest. I don’t see the point of worry about things outside our control and ability to predict. If you’re really concerned about trends, brands, markets, money, etc. It’s not productive to poll would-be prophets or predicting doom, gloom, worries, and hand-wringing. I’d say you’d be more reassured and informed researching history, markets, etc. rather than imposing your fears upon those things. Rather than viewing things from the lens of “how is everything going to hurt Superman?” why not look at the actual endurance and success stories and bouncing from the brink to see how crisis breeds benefits. Marvel, the seemingly unstoppable movie juggernaut of today… filed for bankruptcy 20 years ago. However, I’m no better than would-be prophets, only that my insides aren’t eaten up by worry, bitterness, or bile. I don’t control markets, I don’t mind them mostly either, so I’m not intending to comment on this kind of question much any more.

      • “-it’s drawing in people who were never going to be fans of earlier Superman or their idea of earlier Superman…”


        I’ve met in both online and face-to-face people that didn’t knew nor cared about Superman until after MoS, and some even state that Snyder’s take channeled by Cavill is the only one they like. I guess that is what really matters and what I should focus on when measuring the impact Superman is having so far.

        Thanks again for all the time and effort you give for this website and for us. I’ll try my best to focus only in the positive and count the blessings instead of the sorrows. There’s at least 3 more films that will feature Superman front and center, and I’m sure they’ll be others that will have his name as a strong presence like “Suicide Squad”, so I could guess that everything will indeed be for the best.

        • @Heart of Steel. Sure, it’s a matter of focus, like you said. Not that you’re deluded to the possible pitfalls, but knowing that they’re out of your control and electing to not focus on them. Alternatively, if you choose to focus on them, do your study and research with hope in your heart, looking for answers and desirable outcomes, because being able to encourage yourself is a critical skill. It’s one of the most powerful scenes in BvS, when Clark is at his lowest, he seeks inside himself and finds encouragement, guidance, and support with his memory or projection of Jonathan. That didn’t change the facts of the situation or the circumstances, but his attitude towards it and gave him the strength to return.

          We love a comeback and the history of comic book superheroes in business, branding, and reception is filled with them.

          • WoW Dr that is the best real life inspiration you draw from BvS. It is awesome that BvS have so many real life inspiration that we all can learn from. This is why BvS should not be deserving all that negative buzz

          • And some still claim that Superman had 0 character development in the film. Seriously, I’m not into “conspiracy” stuff, but the amount of complaints saying that Superman was irrelevant in the film leave me dumbfounded.

  12. I was eagerly expecting this! It was a great episode, I have binge listening to all your postcast these last weeks and your first one post-BvS totally delivered. Loved the movie, but having heard this now I love it even more. Thanks Doc, cant wait for the next episode!

  13. @DrAwkward I agree with your assessment of Lex but i am pretty sure that he is more unbalanced than you made him out to be. His breakdown during the speech was due to the reasons you addressed but also due to his lack of interest for philanthropic endeavors. His mind was clearly elsewhere and some of his ticks are to keep the mask on. Half the JLA was at the gala after all.

    I find you approach to the BvS examination interesting as you do it in the way a lawyer would. (Obviously.) Though rhetorics and somewhat challenging metaphors. (A lot o famous writer started off as lawyers).
    I for example am a librarian and would have started to take apart the film by going over the source material as research is my game. No.1 on the agenda would be to explain the Golden Age version of Lex and then going over his Alexander Luthor persona from the 90s (note the hair) and finishing of with the Infinite Crisis doppelgänger.
    Knowledge of the late 80s and pre-Knightfall Batman and obviously the DKR catalyst is also important to get that highly accurate take on the character and so on. I even view BvS to be the most DC accurate life action film after the Ultimate Cut of Watchmen!

    What is your biggest problem with BvS? I find both Snyder Verse film to be equally great. B+ martial but MoS had a few weirdly writing scenes as the overdone “trucker rage” and the lack of an epilogue. The scene of him symbolically destroying the drone even felt like a scene from a sequel film but all my problem with BvS are with the editing (Wonder Womans´s email) and the clearly missing scenes, so i am pretty sure that the film will prove the better of the 2 after the Ultimate Cut comes out. The non linear editing made even more sense to me than the one in MoS minus a hiccup or two,

    Clark is indeed the post 86 but pre-deification iteration. As Dan Jurgens accurate as you can get and this legendary author had kind things to say about MoS and BvS. He even got a highlighted credit right after Miller! DC Rebirth Superman will lastly be the pre-Flashpoint one with Dan Jurgens as the main writer, so the film and comic universe are now merging in an organic way. Can´t wait (but my heart lies with Bruce who hasn´t needed a “hard” reboot since the Bronze-Age).

  14. Thank you for this deep analysis of Lex Luthor. I remember stating some of your points that I made to only be meet with criticism and being told that I was stupid. I love Man of Steel and watching your defense makes me more confident in defending the film. The ending was a bit weird, but it is still my favorite superhero movie of all time. I actually had my doubts about BvS as I feel like the hated is too much for me to handle. The movie is very good (minus a few weird editing) and I hope you talk about the downfall of Batman in your next podcast.

  15. @dnno1 That´s not quite enough / too much to soon though but i like the closing shot of Clark with his cape as a child! Snyder must be happy with Mos (and so am i as it´s Superman´s most rounded film, even if i count vs. The Elite) as he didn´t offer his usual Dvd cut but MoS could have used a longer ending montage in the vain of BvS. The opening shots of Bruce during “Superhero 9/11” did help though to round of the Black Zero event. So did the mostly well done prequel comics. BvS also felt more like a pure Snyder film than the Nolan inspired MoS.

    Here are the Rebirth suits for the Trinity:
    The join the Snyderverse with the post 86 designs rather well but (married Pre-New 52) Superman should get his red boots back to make them perfect. WB went all in on Snydra´s vision it seems. Good.

  16. Keira_The Extractor

    This is the most intelligent analysis of the Batman v Superman themes I’ve read/listened to until now. I don’t usually use this phrase, but GOD BLESS YOU for bringing us insight and making us others, who agree that the movie elaborated on such themes, feel less lonely.

    I thought Lex Luthor was an extremely interesting villain, and it was so exciting to notice how his childhood trauma (one parent abusing his power and the other being passive) was reenacted in this large scenario with Superman and Sen. Finch (just like the Waynes’ death is reenacted in the destruction of the Wayne Tower).

    The psychological depth of the main characters is only one of the reasons why Batman v Superman is an intelligent piece of film-making, but it’s the main reason why I absolutely loved it. I truly needed to see something like this in a major CMB project.

    I believe that the way each of us can offer a completely original perspective on the same subject is what makes people interesting, but I also agree with H. Ellison when he says “You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.” I don’t believe that any movie critic, despite their popularity or assumed credibility, can accurately critique a film, without acknowledging and analyzing the themes presented in it.

  17. Your Pietà example was so flawless I am actually a bit rattled as to how well of an analogy you were able to make about it. I’ve gotten to the point to where I can’t listen to any one else talk about these movies but you, because no one seems to understand them on the level I do.

  18. Great podcast!

    I looked back at the Man of Steel answers videos, and still confused why the genesis chamber was fully functional in BvS?

    Superman should have deactivated the entire Fortress ship, right? The Senators and scientists who had access before Lex were still human, and could have made any error touching all that Krypton tech.

    • Superman only took out the control harness and whatever damage the ship sustained in its crash. If you mean Superman had an obligation to wrest the tech out of humanity’s hands, we discuss that in earlier episodes of the podcast: Prometheus Titan of Tomorrow vs. Steward of Krypton. People can look at the same set of facts and come to different, reasonable conclusions about what the right thing to do is. The ship has been on Earth for 20,000 years. It’s arguably more tied to Earth and its destiny than any tenuous claim of heritage Clark might have. Imagine if you strode into your ancestral lands and just started claiming things based-on a tie going back before the dawn of civilization! It’s clear from BvS that Superman has regard of human self-governance… so if they decide to take custody of the ship, Superman might not see it as his place to defy that.

      The Senators and scientists had access, but are- quite reasonably- being cautious with the ship. The first time they found it, they triggered an invasion (if they didn’t find it, then Clark wouldn’t have heard about it and set off the beacon to Zod). The second time it was entered, Doomsday appeared. And it’s likely that Lex also contacted other forces as well. So the government’s caution is completely reasonable.

  19. And, how we do know Lex was the first person to activate the chamber with the key? How come no-one else could have got in using Zod’s fingerprints?

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