The audio is recorded but I’m still trying to “find the episode” in it. I’ve tried 3 different assembly cuts which are different degrees of disappointing. It’s only after I get an arrangement I like do I do the detailed edits, add in clips, and prepare notes for my endnotes recording session (where I record the intro, transitions, and endnotes). I tried to get the episode out in September (and beat the next trailer) but I’m not going to make it. We’re attending a birthday and a wedding this weekend and Comic Con next weekend, so I’m not sure when this is going to get done.
No time to editorialize or explain the following links, I promise they’re all slightly salient somewhere in the recesses of my mind.
- Why We Need Greek Words for Love
- Why Japan’s Samurai Were Nothing Like You Think – Hilarious Helmet History
- What Are Ideas, and Who Gets to Have Them?
- A Defense of Overthinking Pop Culture
- How an episode of Rick and Morty is Written – Dan Harmons Story Circle
- Rick and Morty – The Story Circle
- The Philosophy of Dragon Ball – Wisecrack Edition
- SUPERMAN’S BIRTH. DEATH. REBIRTH. with Justice League Updates!
- Man of Steel Retrospective Review
- Man of Steel: Story Breakdown
- The Movie Howze Sounds Off – Defending Man of Steel
- Man Of Steel (Is Not An AWFUL Movie)
- Everybody Hates MAN OF STEEL – ROASTING Superman & DC Haters!
- How Deep Sea Creatures Emit Their Own Light | The New York Times
- Crash Course Film Production Preview
- Screenplays: Crash Course Film Production #1
- Are Power Poses Super Life Hacks or Super Junk?
- Why I Love Superman and Some Recommendations || Days in Comics
- Justice League Kids
- We need to change how we bury the dead
- This Video Will Make You Angry
- 7 Ways to Maximize Misery
- This timeline shows confederate monuments are about racial conflict
- X-Ray – Cyanide & Happiness Minis
- What if you Spend a NANOSECOND on the Sun?
- Why It’s Useful to Talk to People You Don’t Agree With | Jordan B Peterson
- Where Was Krypton’s Green Lantern When it Exploded?
- Why Is It So Hard to Build an ICBM?
- The Bizarre But True Origins Of Wedding Traditions
- Adam Savage’s One Day Builds: Excalibur Sword!
- Fact or Fake? 7 Stereotypes About My Home State of Kansas!
- Why Fans Destroyed SUPERMAN’s First Comic Book… on Purpose (DC Comics History)
- Brain Bias: Why You Shouldn’t Emulate Geniuses and Their Rigid Thinking Processes | Barbara Oakley
- Neuroscience Meets Magic – by Scientific American (Article | Book)
- The Untold Story Of America’s Southern Chinese [Chinese Food: An All-American Cuisine, Pt. 2] | AJ+
- JunkieXL’s Official Channel
- Clay Enos – Before, During & After
- Peaceful Protest is More Effective Than Violence (Gordon Wilson Forgave IRA for Death of His Daughter)
- The real reason To Kill A Mockingbird became so famous
Episode 56: Espionage. Steve Trevor the spy, Amanda Waller the intelligence officer, Anatoli Knayzev the KGBeast in a CIA op gone wrong, and Clark Kent raised undercover.